Monday, March 7, 2011

Seeing Charlie Sheen

Its near impossible to turn on the tube and not see "the latest and most exclusive" interview or review or rear-view of the on-air destruction of a human being that is so caught up in the manic world of his own mind and that "duh" and "winning" have become water cooler talking points. Charlie Sheen-born Carlos Irwin Estevez is the son of The President from "West Wing" Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez (Martin Sheen) and brother of the dude from "Breakfast Club" Emilio Estevez (Emilio Estevez.) He has been married 3 times, has a few kids and his net worth hovers around 85 million dollars and up to recently he was paid 2 million dollars a show on "Two and a Half Men" to portray a guy that is a basic loser, womanizer, alcoholic and basic bad influence on his brother's son. In other words-he was paid to be himself-which perhaps makes his on air performances so convincing. To be fair-I have a watched about six minutes of the show that has millions laughing at what part of him do we see in ourselves that keeps would be interviewers like British import and late night Larry King replacement Piers Morgan saying things like "you seem somewhat normal to me..."
Perhaps its the part of us that usually falls apart in private. All of us have meltdowns-but not in public or for public comsumption. No doubt listening to Charlie talk about his porn starlets is more fun than listening to some guy from Chicago wishing he could trade places with Sheen...and who would want to? Perhaps its the part of us that is so full of ourselves that we belive our own press clippings... Charlie could actually demand more money per show- $3 million-to be himself for CBS. He might have a point-if he has actually caught on that he is portraying himself-he should be paid more for it right? Maybe what keeps us tuning into the sideshow called "Sheen" is how much we all like to see someone suffer...other than ourselves.
I hope Charlie Sheen gets a second chance-that somehow through the fog of his own illusions and the obvious goading by a close circle living off his resources like so many hyenas pulling apart what's left of the carcass-he rises out of this as a testament to the human spirit and gives pause to so many others that struggle with substance abuse. In America we love to watch someone fall-suffer and get laid open. We also love it when they apparently crawl thru the muck and mire, polished and ready for another shot. I hope he makes it-
I really do.

1 comment:

  1. I love the whole message that's been thrown out to the public by Charlie Sheen and missed by most people. That message has to deal with the truth and that is all Charlie is talking about. You can't get more honest than to expose yourself completely the way he has and say this is it, this is who I am, take it or leave it. I love the fact that what most people want to do right now is weigh in on one side or another instead of listening to the message. Two and a Half Men was a show about Charlie Sheen. It was written for Charlie and performed perfectly by him. Now many of you out there want that same person to somehow change into what you think he should be, how he should act and conduct his personal life. Charlie's saying that's not going to happen. I personally love the spirit that's graced us in this lifetime as Charlie Sheen. He's here to entertain us and live that rock star life so many dream about. Is it self destructive? Maybe, only time will tell us that but it is that spirit's path and his karmic lesson to live so let off on the judgement, sit back and enjoy the show. Thanks for a great blog John. I know Charlie is going to do just fine through all of this.
